When designing a home theater system, one of your biggest goals is always to make an impression. You want something that is physically powerful and that recreates the experience of watching your favorite film in a cinema as accurately as possible. However, you also want something visually impressive in that it looks like an organic part of your home and not like an afterthought. For years, cinephiles everywhere have searched for the best of both worlds between the power offered by something like floor standing speakers and the visual attractiveness of something minimal. Now, JENSEN has finally answered the call with in-ceiling speakers and in wall speakers that give you all of the high quality you've come to expect with a stunningly low profile at the same time.
No Clean Up Necessary
Home theater systems have normally come with a hefty price tag attached to them. Not necessarily in terms of their actual cost, but with regards to the amount of work that you need to put into hiding wires, cables and other "accessories" after installation has completed. With in-ceiling speakers, you don't have to worry about any of this - all of the necessary wires are installed behind a wall to keep them out of site. You don't have to worry about detracting from the decor of your home at all thanks to the fact that you don't have wires to worry about in the first place.
Many people incorrectly assume that they don't necessarily have a huge number of options to choose from concerning something as specific as in-ceiling speakers. At JENSEN, this couldn't be farther from the truth. You can choose from many different shapes like the round JENSEN EHT-3, oval or rectangular - whatever fits in with the image you're trying to create for your home can be provided for you.
Many in-ceiling speakers, such as the JENSEN EHT-3, are also powerful enough to not require a separate subwoofer speakers. They also all have paintable facades, meaning that you can easily change their color or general look whenever you're re-designing the rest of your room. Many in-ceiling speakers are also available for both indoor and outdoor use, making sure that you have stunning audio wherever you happen to go in your home.
These are just a few of the major reasons why customers all over are turning to JENSEN for their high quality, low profile home theater system needs. In-ceiling speakers deliver the maximum impact that you're going for when watching a film or television show and stay out of the way when you're just entertaining or trying to relax with friends and family members. These speakers also deliver amazing surround sound so it seems like you are in a theater. The home theater speakers technology landscape has certainly changed over the last several years and make no mistake: it was for the better.